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- Class 2
- Measurement
- Measure Using Objects
1. Numbers
1.1. Counting
1.1.1. Counting up to 199
1.1.2. Counting up to 999
1.2. Skip-Counting
1.3. Number Lines
1.5. Even and Odd
1.6. Number Patterns
1.7. Forming Numbers
1.8. Comparing Numbers
1.9. Ordering Numbers
1.10.1. Write Numerals for Number Names
1.10.2. Write Number Names for Numerals
1.12.1. Face Values
1.12.2. Place Values
1.13. Numbers on Abacus
1.13.1. Reading Numbers on Abacus
1.14. Expanded Form of Numbers
1.15. Short Form of Numbers
2. Addition
3. Subtraction
5. Division
5.6. Division Facts
6. Fractions
7. Geometry
7.1. Point
7.2. Line
7.3. Types of Lines
7.4. Identify 2-D Objects
7.5. Using a Ruler
7.6.1. Count Sides and Vertices
7.6.2. Compare Sides and Vertices
7.8. Identify 3-D Objects
8. Measurement
8.1.1. Identify - Long or Short
8.1.2. Identify - Tall or Short
8.1.3. Units of Length
8.1.4. Measure Using a Ruler Addition of Lengths Subtraction of Lengths
8.2.1. Identify - Light or Heavy
8.2.2. Units of Weight Addition of Weights Subtraction of Weights
8.3.2. Units of Capacity (Volume) Addition of Capacities/Volumes Subtraction of Capacities/Volumes
9. Money
9.1. Recognizing currency
9.2. Count Money
9.3. Exchanging Money
9.5.1. Addition of Money
9.5.2. Subtraction of Money
10. Time
10.2. Convert
10.2.1. Minutes in an Hour
10.3. Read Time on Clocks
10.3.1. Read Time on Analogue Clocks Read Time - Minute Hand at 12 Read Time - Minute Hand at 6
10.5. Daily Routine
10.6. Days of the week
10.7. Months of a year
10.8. Calendar
10.9. Seasons
10.10. Time - Word Problems
11. Patterns
11.1. Introduction to Pattern
11.2. Repeating Patterns
11.2.1. Complete a repeating pattern
Class 2 NCERT (CBSE and ICSE) Measure Using Objects
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